Kraken User Agreement

Kraken User Agreement

„Documentation“ refers to all online help files or written instructions and other standard software documentation documents that may be provided by Axosoft from time to time and that are published online or contained in the software. „Technical support“ or „support“ end-user support for software that can be provided by Axosoft for the duration of the license, as defined in section 3 below. You agree that this agreement and your use of this site will be subject to the laws of the State of Washington, United States. They heresy accept the exclusive jurisdiction and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts, agencies and other dispute resolution agencies in Seattle, Washington, USA, in all disputes (a) arising from this website and/or this agreement (b) in which this website and/or agreement is an essential problem or fact, or (c) in which this website and/or agreement are referred in a document referred by a court, agency or other organization in dispute. The use of this website is not permitted in a jurisdiction that does not make all the provisions of this Agreement fully applicable, including, but not limited to, but not limited to this paragraph, as well as the exclusions of guarantees and exclusions mentioned above. We have endeavoured to meet all the legal requirements it experienced when creating and maintaining this website, but we do not guarantee that materials on this website are appropriate or available for use in a specific jurisdiction. The use of this website is not permitted in a country where all or part of this site may violate legal requirements and you agree not to access this site in such a jurisdiction. You are responsible for complying with the laws in force. Any use contrary to this provision or a provision in this Agreement is made at its own risk and, if part of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under existing legislation, the invalid or unenforceable provision is replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that best corresponds to the intent of the original provision, and the rest of the agreement applies to that use. They are now linked to the KRAKEN (Brokerage and market platform for Personal Data) project, This project was funded under the European Union`s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 871473. The opinions and arguments put forward here do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before you start using the site.


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