Nebraska Property Purchase Agreement

Nebraska Property Purchase Agreement

Please read the property and community resources section to access information about the property you are selling. Disclosure s. 76-2.120 of the seller – buyers of real estate must receive a written statement describing the status of the property before the sale contract comes into effect. If you believe that a real estate licensee has violated the Real Estate Licensing Act or the rules and regulations, you can file claim forms with the Commission that trigger an investigation and may lead to disciplinary action against the real estate licensee`s real estate licensee. You will find information about the claim procedure at: If you have questions about the obligations and responsibilities of a real estate licensee with whom you collaborate and/or about the deeds of a licensee in a real estate transaction, you can send an email to the following address: A contractual agreement between the buyer and the holder of a real estate license is NOT required in Nebraska. However, real estate licensees may suggest that buyers enter into a buyer`s agency agreement that typically does two main things. This agreement generally defines the obligations and responsibilities of the relationship and compensation between the buyer and a real estate agent represented by the related licensee who works with you, the buyer. As you have already recommended, if you have questions about a contract, you should get legal advice. If you receive an offer to purchase your property, you have the option to accept the offer, refuse or make a counter-offer, if you have questions about a contract, seek advice from a real estate licensee or a lawyer. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure – When selling a home built before 1978, the seller must provide potential buyers with a disclosure form outlining the possibility of lead paint on the land. A contractual agreement between the seller and a real estate agent is usually called A Listing Agreement, which usually does two main things. This agreement usually establishes the relationship and compensation between the seller and the real estate agent represented by the licensee linked to the real estate license who works with you, the seller.

The listing agreement defines the terms of the sale (price, price, what is and what is not included, etc.) that the seller requests, as well as the obligations and responsibilities of the licensee, also known as the selling agent. While most real estate licensees have listing agreements that they use regularly, a copy of a model list agreement developed by the Nebraska Real Estate Commission is available at: In any event, if you have questions about a contract, you should get legal advice. The Nebraska Residential Real Estate Sale Contract („Residential Purchase and Sale Contract“) is a contract that describes the terms, price and obligations of the buyer and seller in a residential real estate transaction. Once the contract is signed, it cannot be terminated unless both parties agree. If you are considering using the services of a real estate licensee, you can verify the status of their real estate license by accessing information provided by Licensee A and applicants on the Nebraska Real Estate Commission website. This site also tells you if disciplinary action has already been taken against the person`s license.


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