1`At the conference, there were disagreements about possible solutions. He seemed to think that you both had some sort of argument – or disagreements, you know. You know, senator, what worries me is not disagreements on issues — to say I`d rather do it, I don`t agree with the president, to call him weak, to call him a disappointment, to call several times that he should have a main opponent when he ran for re-election in 2012, you know, I think it goes further than saying that we have our differences. But, as she would, the real subject of disagreement escapes her. I think two things are true. George Floyd should be alive, there is a very clear injustice there, and I think there is also a broad consensus on what should happen not only to bring justice to this unique officer, but also to consider everyone. There is no disagreement. 3″Between the results of the two evaluations, there was disagreement“ the difference is the state or quality of the inequality or the magnitude of that difference. There is a difference in the things being compared; discrimination lies in our judgment of it; a distinction is in our definition or description or mental image of them. Carefully distinguishing between real differences leads to clear distinctions. Disparity is greater than inequality, which means that one thing falls far short of the other; as the shift of our achievements from our ideals. Inequality is sharply contrasted between things; There may be a difference between those that are almost identical. There is a lag in the accounts that cannot be cleared.
diversity includes more than two objects; thus, in general, diversity; Variation is a difference in the condition or action of the same object at different times. Disagreement is not only absence, but the opposite of convergence; it is a lenient word for opposition and conflict; The difference is sometimes used in the same sense. Bill scolded his refusal of the diagnosis and fell into silence. It seems that we still have a fundamental disagreement about the role of collective bargaining in this process, in the sense that I think collective bargaining should continue to exist and the governor should not exist. Hermione remembered this and realized that his silence had been caused by his differences. Were there signs of disagreement between them? After all, it couldn`t be of vital importance, just a disagreement for girls. Discord, dispute, discord, disagreement, disapproval, divergence, disagreement, dispute, controversy, disagreement, difference, disharmony, dispute, division, opposition It is not just a matter of „Let`s teach them sex education so that they know how to prevent pregnancy“, the fundamental disagreement comes to the fundamental question „What is it about in human sexuality?“. The President has rightly focused on how we are moving forward from a disagreement that is perhaps simply insoluble at this stage. The main points of disagreement were the root causes.
If there had been disagreements, it would immediately disappear with this misfortune. But then again, the disagreement is much weaker than one might think. a difference between contradictory facts or statements or synonyms:discord, variance, misunderstanding, discord, dispute, dispute, dispute, quarrels, disputes, disputes, disputes, disputes or synonyms:difference, dispute, quarrels, disputes, disputes, disputes, controversies, controversies, disagreements, variance preposition:Difference between the old and the new; differences between men; a difference in character; action; style; (minus) a difference (controversy) with a person; a difference between one thing and another (wrongly compared to another). . . .